The newest pen
enabled offering from Pen & Internet, ritePen is designed to enhance handwriting
recognition on the Tablet PC. The overall idea of ritePen is similar to the
write anywhere feature that is built into Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, but
with extra features and better recognition.
The application
When you start
ritePen, it puts an icon in your system tray that allows you to control the
program. The program is really easy to use, as you simply write anywhere on
the screen and ritePen will convert that to text in the currently active program.
(See figures 1 & 2)
Figure 1
Figure 2 -
When you don't
want the pen movement to be interpreted as writing, you simply tap the icon
and it turns the writing off. I found I had to do this whenever I wanted to
select any text, but it was surprisingly good at recognizing that I didn't want
to write at other times. For instance you can resize windows, and pull down
menus with no problem while ritePen is turned on.
Even though it
is simple to use, ritePen is still a pretty powerful application with lots of
options. You can change everything from the color of the ink, to the delay between
when you stop writing and the time it recognizes the text. A few of the options
are displayed below in figure 3.
Figure 3
Also, just like
Windows XP Tablet PC edition, ritePen contains a set of gestures you can use
to help you when writing. The basic gestures allow you to do things such as
insert a line break, insert a space, enter a backspace, and undo your last action.
Also a couple of other gestures help you with symbols and if the recognizer
doesn't convert your writing just right. I purposely messed up on a sentence
to show you an example of this, see figure 4.
Figure 4-
The recognition
So it has lots
of features, but I can hear you asking the question - How much better is the
recognition? Well I spent a good amount of time writing the same text into both
ritePen and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition's built in handwriting features. I
will say there was a noticeable difference in how well ritePen recognized my
cursive handwriting, while they were close to the same when it came to my print
handwriting (which I use most of the time). Obviously this is just an estimation,
as I can't write exactly the same each time. Overall though, I would say ritePen
does have a good improvement in recognition quality.
Overall Pen &
Internet has done a great job here with ritePen. It improves handwriting recognition,
plus has some nice abilities that you don't get with just the Windows XP handwriting
recognition. The ability to write anywhere on the screen with no lines to limit
you is a big advantage, and the fact that it recognizes when you are trying
to resize windows, etc.. makes that even better. My only complaint is that you
have to turn the recognition off to really edit text easily, but with the system
tray icon this is really easy to do and not a big issue. Nice job by the folks
and Pen & Internet, ritePen is well worth the price.
Pros: Improved
recognition, full screen "writeablity"
Cons: None

Buzz Meter: 4.5 out of 5
can be purchased from Pen
& Internet for $19.99.