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Posted - Jan 13 2005 :  07:29:57 AM  Show Profile  Visit rbushway's Homepage  Send rbushway an AOL message  Click to see rbushway's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Although the writer is concentrating on more of the low end solution, he has hit a lot of the reasons why Tablet PCs will succeed.

"The huge Consumer Electronics Show concluded in Las Vegas Sunday with what boils down to a single word of advice about what could be the hottest stuff in personal technology this year:

That’s tablets along the lines of yellow legal pads or Big Chief grade-school notebooks. But these are equipped with digital technologies that are supposed to replace our laptop computers, our television sets, our iPods and even our yellow legal pads.

I don’t know about the high end of miracle tablets like the $2,000 portable media PC pads displayed by Microsoft’s Bill Gates, but a local tech entrepreneur in suburban Willowbrook, Ill., showed me a true miracle for about $115.

Jerry Oreluk, chief executive of iDynta Systems Inc. at, is a distributor of a legal-size electronic tablet called the DigiMemo A501. It may be a dream come true to everybody from lawyers to journalists, cops to carpenters, sales reps to school kids - anyone who dreams of putting their handwritten notes onto a computer for further action.

...Both the high end and low end in this revolution stem from the converging digital technologies that are combining to create another revolution in technology.

If you’re as tired as I am of hearing some pundit talk about looming high-tech revolutions, please stick with me for one more sentence.

The revolution isn’t from anything new but stems from gradual evolutionary advances in miniaturization, low-powered transistors, long-life batteries, wireless Internet and phone service, and ever-improving manufacturing know-how. In essence, if you can dream up a gadget, today’s tech factories can turn it out."


Rob Bushway

Microsoft MVP - Tablet PC
Agilix All-Star My blog

Edited by - rbushway on Jan 13 2005 08:43:21 AM
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