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Tablet PC Guru

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Posted - Jan 27 2005 :  2:45:49 PM  Show Profile  Send chaimberbell an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Just wondering if this is one of the many weird things with my computer or if this was common...

When the log-in screen pops up after hyernation or standby (when I go to punch the keyboard with my pen) the cursor's about two inches off where the tip of the pen is. Say, if I hold my pen at the personal icon picture thing, the cursor's down by the spacebar. I can still log in by watching the cursor and not the pen, but it's weird and annoying.

I have to send the tablet in for the keyboard missing keystrokes or getting stuck on keys, so just let me know if it's something I should add to the list...

The Student Tablet PC -

Robert Carnegie
Tablet PC Thinker

United Kingdom
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My Tablet PCs: Original TC1000 (at work), Acer C302xmi (or some similar alphabet soup)

Posted - Jan 27 2005 :  3:16:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by chaimberbell

Just wondering if this is one of the many weird things with my computer or if this was common...

When the log-in screen pops up after hyernation or standby (when I go to punch the keyboard with my pen) the cursor's about two inches off where the tip of the pen is. Say, if I hold my pen at the personal icon picture thing, the cursor's down by the spacebar. I can still log in by watching the cursor and not the pen, but it's weird and annoying.

I have to send the tablet in for the keyboard missing keystrokes or getting stuck on keys, so just let me know if it's something I should add to the list...

It's not right, is it? Put it on the list.

Do different users have their own calibration? In which case, whose calibration applies to the login screen - the administrator account's?
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Tablet PC Intellectual

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My Tablet PCs: Acer C302XMI

Posted - Jan 28 2005 :  08:40:35 AM  Show Profile  Visit kilar's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have the same problem. But, add it to your list and see if they fix it. I have a feeling each user does have his/her own calibration, and that the cursor is off because the Administrator has his/her own calibrated settings, or that the login screen gets default calibration constants. Put it on the list and see what happens, and let us know. I am compiling my own shopping list before I send my tablet in.

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Tablet PC Ponderer

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Posted - Jan 28 2005 :  3:02:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Your problems have been previously documented. You've obviously missed the Acer service memo pertaining to the required monthly ritualistic sacrifice of a small mammal while dancing naked in the light of the full moon.

I've had nothing but problems with hibernate and standby in general and simply gave up using them. It's worth a little less battery life to avoid the grief.

Edited by - gnosis on Jan 28 2005 5:04:45 PM
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