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 sc300 refurbished?
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Tablet PC Trainee

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Posted - Jan 28 2005 :  09:31:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm thinking of buying a refurbished SC300 (around $700). Anyone have any experience with these?

Has anyone tried to update the harddrive or memory on these units? I know that it isn't supposed to be user upgradable but for someone with some technical skills, is this possible?


Tablet PC Thinker

113 Posts
My Tablet PCs: Electrovaya Scribbler SC500 (8-hour slate - no fan, no keyboard, no problem)

Posted - Jan 29 2005 :  6:10:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit sumocat's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Buying the refurbs on eBay, eh? I did the same for my SC500 and have not been disappointed. Sure, it's not as powerful as the second-gen Tablets but it's still an excellent machine. The price is unbeatable and the battery life is as good as they claim. I literally have to be out the entire day before I worry about a dead battery.

As far as upgrading goes, I haven't tried and don't recommend it. The entire back is the battery and I don't know how it is laid in there. If you try it, be sure to run the battery dry or you'll be dealing with a live, high-capacity power source.

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