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 Need help/advice re: dying C110 screen
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Fu-Man Chu
Tablet PC Thinker

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Posted - Jan 30 2005 :  5:34:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all, I need some of the collected wisdom and knowledge from all of you guys. On Friday (1/28/05), I pulled my C110 out of my backpack and when I turned it on, I noticed a flash of wierdness on my screen. It was only momentary so I ignored it. However, over the next few hours it began to re-occur. In the past day and a half, it has progressed to the point that I am unable to use the screen.

What it looks like is that there is static all through the screen - the best comparison I can make is like when a VGA cable isn't connected very well to a monitor and the whole picture just moves back and forth hundreds of times per second.

I find that if I randomly put pressure on various portions of the screen (mostly near the swivel), the screen instantly clears - until I let go that is. However, the location where I push isn't always the same.

When I have it hooked to an external monitor, the output is fine - even when the screen goes bonkers.

This has led me to the belief that there is a breakdown in the connection somewhere, most likely in the swivel. I use my laptop a whole lot each day, and convert it some 5-10 times per day. I have only had it since November 2003. However, it is out of warranty now.

I haven't heard of any similar problems in other Acer C110's - have any of you experienced or heard of such a thing? Any suggestions as how I can get it fixed? And would it be worth it vs. buying another tablet?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Tablet PC Ponderer

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Posted - Jan 30 2005 :  6:02:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would seem the leads that run through the hindge are broken. They are not kidding when they tell you not to convert the screen with it more than plus minus 5 deg from perpendicular.
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Fu-Man Chu
Tablet PC Thinker

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My Tablet PCs: Acer 110 Tci

Posted - Jan 31 2005 :  07:12:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is this something that would cost a lot to repair? Or even something that I could try to repair myself?
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Tablet PC Ponderer

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Posted - Jan 31 2005 :  07:22:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's not an easy repair, and I would think you are going to need new leads or at least leads salvaged from another pc perhaps another screen. I would send it in for a factory repair if the tablet is under warantee. If not, really it sounds like a good time to upgrade unless you have a friend who is a good electronics technician.
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Fu-Man Chu
Tablet PC Thinker

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My Tablet PCs: Acer 110 Tci

Posted - Jan 31 2005 :  5:37:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nope, no longer under warranty - which is why I'm considering doing it myself if I can't find anyone who would like to do so.

Anyone who has taken apart their C110 have any advice for disassembling it?
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Tablet PC Philosopher

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Posted - Jan 31 2005 :  6:16:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here's a link within the forum for a detailed manual for the C110. I'm not sure if this will help you, but it's a start:;=C110,Manual


"I had a great night, but this wasn't it." Groucho Marx
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Tablet PC Ponderer

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Posted - Jan 31 2005 :  6:50:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Those manuals are really nice. Good Luck Fu.
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Fu-Man Chu
Tablet PC Thinker

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My Tablet PCs: Acer 110 Tci

Posted - Feb 03 2005 :  11:39:58 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks guys for the links! I got the manual and opened up my Acer as per the instructions. (Quick point though, to remove the LCD module, you need to unplug the RF wires that are attached to the WiFi module - the manual neglected to explicitly state that)

In any case, after taking it apart (which was rather cool and nerve-wracking), I was not able to see any wires or such that were obviously frayed. Failing that, I supposed there could be a problem in the actual wire connection to the LCD, but alas, even after removing the LCD from its case, I could not see the wire leads as the digitizer panel was situated behind it.

Resigned, I put the c110 back together, making sure to screw everything back nicely in the event that it was just a bad ground somewhere or loose connection.

Now good news and bad: The good was that fiddling with it seemed to fix the problem! The bad signal resolved and I could use my beloved Tablet again! Now the bad: It was only temporary! After I got back home, it started to get the fuzz again. <sigh>, well, at least now, it's mostly stable with occasional periods of screen craziness rather than vice versa as before.

I guess I'll be bringing it in. Which leads to my next post - if this costs too much to repair, what should I get for a replacement. . .
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Tablet PC Ponderer

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Posted - Feb 03 2005 :  5:30:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You won't see broken wires, the only way to tell is to connect a meter to each end of the lead and jiggle the lead, if the reading is steady the lead is good, if the reading is erratic the lead is broken and giving you an intermittent read. Only in the most severe cases will the lead actually break apart all the way through the insulation.
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Fu-Man Chu
Tablet PC Thinker

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My Tablet PCs: Acer 110 Tci

Posted - Feb 09 2005 :  5:47:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, the shop has narrowed the problem down to one of the two connecting the LCD to the motherboard. And no, they didn't look obviously damaged to the shop either, but while it was on, they manipulate the cables and were able to reproduce the problem.

However, the shop is unsure whether or not the cables are sold serparately from the LCD panel - I thought I would help out; do any of you know where parts can be purchased? Specifically, the LCD coaxial cable, or the Inverter Cable? In the manual that was previously provided, the No.'s say "NS" - I don't suppose that means Not Sold does it??

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Tablet PC Ponderer

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Posted - Feb 10 2005 :  09:43:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wish I could help you out. If it was me I'd make something up and hope it worked. Or maybe hope to luck into a junked acer c100. I was just going by past troubleshooting experience I've really never monkeyed with my c111. I've had enough of these problems in the past that when a manual spells out really silly procedures for doing things I know there is usually equally silly reasons for them and blindly follow instructions. Given that the leads both twist and bend, I can see the reason for not having them stretched out while you convert the screen, they will work harden and shear. Good Luck
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