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 ITNews: Microsoft making fruitful use of FriendlyWay for the Tablet PC
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Posted - Feb 03 2005 :  09:18:20 AM  Show Profile  Visit rbushway's Homepage  Send rbushway an AOL message  Click to see rbushway's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
"The friendlyway secure browser allows for particularly secure execution of internet applications. Microsoft's Executive Briefing Center currently uses friendlyway browser software for a customer survey application that is run on tablet PCs.

"The deployment of the friendlyway secure browser has enabled the Microsoft Executive Briefing Center in Munich to implement an application that allows us to track customer feedback online for every executive briefing. This professional security solution makes it possible for us to get feedback during any event via tablet PC and still meet all of our relevant security requirements. In addition to the fact that the friendlyway secure browser saves us time and effort, it also enables us to respond quickly to customer feedback," comments Microsoft's Simone Ruppertz-Rausch.

friendlyway Internet Explorer-based software reduces the scope of mission-critical internet security technology. Product features include highly efficient popup blocking as well as restrictions on the permissible surfing range. The friendlyway secure browser secures the internet system while the computer is booting up, i.e. before the user obtains access to the Microsoft operating system."


Rob Bushway

Microsoft MVP - Tablet PC
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