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Tablet PC Guru

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Posted - Feb 03 2005 :  1:04:25 PM  Show Profile  Send qcomdrj an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I had an idea the other day. With the various computer programs out there that exist to use CPU cycles when not working on your computer, and this being a computer based forum, why not offer up the suggestion to you (as a group) to work to help the world. Now, I used SETI@home when I was in undergrad because a) it was the only one, b) it was cool, and c) I was bored.
Now there exists a couple others, the first and foremost being Folding@home, which uses CPU cycles to determine protein conformations for help in treating diseases. that relate to poorly folded proteins (Alzheimers, nvCJD (Mad Cow)).
There is also now that participates in the Human Proteome Project, Anthrax Research, Smallpox Research, and Cancer Research.
I don't mean to state that any is better than the other, nor do I care. I would rather everyone have at least one of them, even if they are not part of a group. I didn't bother to start a group yet, because I want to see if this idea would be well received. So let me have it if you think this is a bad idea, etc. (I realize that they are designed more for desktops, and doesn't run if not plugged in, so if you are a mobile warrior than it doesn't matter).

Also, if anyone else knows any others that might be worthy for people to look at, feel free to jump in. These are just the ones that I know of personally. I run myself.

Edited by - qcomdrj on Feb 04 2005 3:33:56 PM

Tablet PC Guru

1057 Posts
My Tablet PCs: Toshiba M205

Posted - Feb 03 2005 :  1:21:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a very good idea!
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Tablet PC Guru

United Kingdom
1332 Posts
My Tablet PCs: HP TC1100. Previous: HP TC1000, Viewsonic 1100, Fujitsu Sytlistic 3400

Posted - Feb 03 2005 :  1:42:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit alienrat's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I am currently doing the climate prediction model:

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