Tablet PC Buzz premier source for Tablet PC news and informationen-usSpencer Goad (, 05 Aug 2024 13:00:00 GMTTue, 05 Aug 2024 13:00:00 GMT PC Buzz preimer source for Tablet PC news and informationBest DVD playing software for TPCWhat's your opinion? Aided Rapid Keyboarding (SHARK)Shorthand Aided Rapid Keyboarding (SHARK) is an advanced pen-based text input method for mobile devices. It combines novel pattern recognition technology with a stylus keyboard. A new user may trace the letters on the keyboard to enter a word. Over time one may remember some or parts of the patterns and speed up the text writing.<BR/><BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/><BR/>my initial thoughts are:<BR/>- it is definitely faster than the Windows keyboard<BR/>- works very well<BR/>- kinda hard to use because of the nonstandard keyboard layout (ATOMIK) though, it allows you to use other layouts<BR/><BR/>This thread also discusses SHARK.<BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a> and MindmanagerHas anyone tried both of these softwares in tablet PC/ notebook ?<BR/><BR/>I am a bit confused on which to choose as my main software for managing informations.<BR/><BR/>It would be helpful if any of experienced user here can give comments or suggestions.<BR/><BR/>Here is the link for supermemo:<BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a> 16000 Program ( CAD CAM CA ....... )<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size="4"><font color="green">FTP DOWNLOAD >> MORE THAN 16000 CRACKED LATEST PROGRAMS<BR/><BR/>We can provide technical software at this topics:<BR/>: => Civil and Structural<BR/>: => Survey , GIS , Rock , Soil and Water<BR/>: => Architectural<BR/>: => CAD-CAM<BR/>: => FEA , CFD and CAE<BR/>: => Electrical , Electronic , Control and Power<BR/>: => Chemical<BR/>: => Industrial and Control Project<BR/>: => HVAC and Piping<BR/>: => Mathematics , Statistics and Accounting<BR/>: => Engineering and Technical Standards and Databank Such as ISO , DIN , BSI ,ASME , ASTM ,...<BR/>: => Graphics and Animation<BR/>: => Busines and Financial<BR/>: => And other technical topics.<BR/>: => Making cracks for your desire , any program.<BR/>: And more other programs<BR/><BR/>Our prices are very low. <BR/>You pay only about 1%-15% of the price for the original software. Our prices very from $20 to $150 per program.<BR/>For example if you go into a shop and buy Autodesk AutoCAD 2004, for more than $4000 you get the Serial, the CD, the Box and the Manual.<BR/>When you order from us you get The Autodesk AutoCAD 2004 CD and the Serial Number (for only $130). <BR/>It works exactly the same, but you don't get the manual and the fancy box. <BR/>That is a SAVING of $3900 and the only difference - is you don't have a colorful box and manual - which are not very useful. <BR/>If You didn't find the program You need, please contact us, we'll try to help You.<BR/><BR/>We offer GREAT DISCOUNTS:<BR/>If Your the price of Your order (not including shipping costs)is more than:<BR/>-$200 <BR/>You get 10% discount;<BR/>-$300<BR/>You get 15% discount;<BR/>-$400<BR/>You get 20% discount;<BR/>-$500<BR/>You get 25% discount;<BR/>-$1000<BR/>You get 30% discount.<BR/>Contact us.<BR/>ALSO we offer a discount of 25% for our regular clients.<BR/><BR/>Way of delivery:<BR/><BR/>1-DHL 2-5 days ($50)<BR/>2-UPS 2-8 days($40)<BR/>3-FTP ($30)<BR/><BR/><BR/>Methods of payment :<BR/><BR/>1-Westernunion (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)<BR/>2-Moneygram (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)<BR/>3-E-gold <BR/>4-<BR/><BR/><BR/>In order to get additional information or ask any questions just visit our website or use this email addresses:<BR/><BR/><a href=""></a> <BR/><BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a> <BR/>________________________________ <BR/><BR/>Some software from the our base: <BR/><BR/>A<BR/><BR/>Abacus.Train.Sim.Modeler.v1.0 <BR/>ABAQUS v 7.0 <BR/>ABAQUS V6.3.3 (c) HKS <BR/>ABB ROBOT STUDIO v 2.0 <BR/>ABBYY 2 IN 1 LINGVO 8; FINE READER 6 PROFESSIONAL <BR/>ABBYY FINEREADER V 7.0 PROFESSIONAL <BR/>ABBYY Form Reader v 4.1 <BR/>ABLE.SOFTWARE.R2V.V5.5.08 <BR/>ACCURENDER V 3.1 <BR/>ACCUTAGGER 1.01 <BR/>Accware V.5.0 <BR/>ACID PRO V3.0 <BR/><BR/>B <BR/><BR/>B_AND_W.EXPERT.PROFILES.V2.1.FOR.PRO.ENGINEER [1CD] <BR/>B2 Spice A/D Professional v4.1.0 <BR/>B2 Spice A/D v4.1.3 <BR/>BADCOPY PRO V3.50 <BR/>BANCO 1.5 <BR/>BANCO PARA WINDOWS VER 1.0 <BR/>BAPCO SYSMARK 2002 <BR/>BAR NEST 4 <BR/>BARCO MOBILE MARK 2002 <BR/>BARSUM PRO v3.07.002 <BR/>BCAD 3.7 BUILD 316 <BR/>BCAD DESIGNER 3.7 BUILD 246 <BR/><BR/>C<BR/><BR/>CA CLEVERPATH PORTAL V 4.0 <BR/>Cabinetvision Solid Manufacturing <BR/>CAD Course HousePlans <BR/>CAD Course SpaceStation <BR/>CAD FIX 5.0 <BR/>CAD LINK SIGNLAB E6 REVISION 1 <BR/>CAD OVERLAY 2002 <BR/>CAD.Blocks <BR/>Cad2Shape v1.0 <BR/>CADATA DWGBASE.V1.1 <BR/>CADATA.DWGBASE.V2.0 <BR/>CADCAM-E.IGES-PRO.v2.0 <BR/>CADENCE.PCB.DESIGN.STUDIO.V14.2 [3CD] <BR/><BR/>D<BR/><BR/>D2 Nuke v 3.2.63 <BR/>Damaged Stability Package <BR/>DANCE EJAY 3 (DJ MUSIC PROGRAM) <BR/>DANCE MEGA DISCO AKAI <BR/>Dantz Retrospect Backup Professional v 6.0 <BR/>DARK BASIC PROFESSIONAL <BR/>Dassault.Systemes.CATIA.CADAM.Drafting.V5R8.MultiLingual [1CD] <BR/>DASSAULT.SYSTEMES.CATIA.V5.R7 <BR/>Data Becker Pro Charts 1.8 <BR/>Data Becker ProCHARTS v 1.8 <BR/><BR/>E<BR/><BR/>E3 SERIES 2003 <BR/>E3.SERIES.2002.V3.0 [1CD] <BR/>EAG/Tenfore QuoteSpeed 3.08 (Win9x) <BR/>EAGLEWARE GENESYS 2003 <BR/>EAGLEWARE GENESYS v 8.11 <BR/>EAGLEWARE GENESYS v8.01C <BR/>EDS IDEAS NX v 10 <BR/>EDS I-Deas V9M2 PTF2 Update <BR/>EDS IMAGEWARE 10 <BR/>EDS JACK v 3.0.1 <BR/><BR/>F<BR/><BR/>FaxMaker for Network/SMTP 8.1 b189 <BR/>FBPTools 3.13 <BR/>FEA LUSAS v12 <BR/>FEACrack v1.1.020 [1CD] <BR/>FEFLOW v 5.0 <BR/>FEKO.V3.0.5 [1CD] <BR/>FELIX.CAD.V5.0 [1CD] <BR/>FEM.DESIGN v 4.2 <BR/>Fieldview V8.0 [2CD] <BR/>FileMaker Developer 6 <BR/>FileMaker Inc FileMaker Pro 6.0 v 1 Win&Mac <BR/>Filters and Plugins: 3D Studio Max <BR/>Filters and Plugins: Adobe Acrobat <BR/>Filters and Plugins: Alias Wavefront Maya <BR/><BR/>G<BR/><BR/>GaLa.Reinforcement.Pro.Version.v4.0 [1CD] <BR/>GaLa.Reinforcement.Pro.Version.v4.1 <BR/>GALAAD 3 <BR/>Galaad v 3.2.B <BR/>GAMMATECH GT SUITE v 5.2 <BR/>GAMMATECH.GT_SUITE V6.0 <BR/>GAMMATECH.GT_SUITE V6.0 LINUX <BR/>GAMMATECH.GT_SUITE V6.0 SOLARIS <BR/>GARANT 4.07 <BR/>GATECH_GT_STRUDL_V2.6 [1CD] <BR/>Gauss 5.0 <BR/><BR/>H<BR/><BR/>Hacking Exposed Network Security Secrets&Solutions <BR/>HAESTAD.METHODS.SewerCAD.V5.0 <BR/>HAESTAD.METHODS.WATERCAD.V4.5 [1CD] <BR/>HAESTAD.METHODS.WATERCAD.V6.0 <BR/>HAMPSON.RUSSEL.CE.V5.R6 [1CD] <BR/>HAMPSON-RUSELL PRO4D 1.5.1 <BR/>HAMPSON-RUSSEL AVO 4.0.6 <BR/>HAMPSON-RUSSEL eLOG 2.0.6 <BR/>HAMPSON-RUSSEL EMERGE 2.2.5 <BR/>HAMPSON-RUSSEL GLI3D 5.0.5 <BR/>HAMPSON-RUSSEL ISMap 3.0.5 <BR/>HAMPSON-RUSSEL STRATA 4.1.7 <BR/>Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 15th Ed v 1.0 <BR/>Harvard_Graphics v4.0 <BR/><BR/>I<BR/><BR/>IAR EmbeddedWorkbench for AVR 226C <BR/>IBI WEBFOCUS DESKTOP SUITE v 5.22 <BR/>IBM DB2 Connect Enterprise 8.1 <BR/>IBM DB2 Cube Views v 8.1 <BR/>IBM DB2 Everyplace Enterprise edition 7.2 Req. <BR/>IBM DB2 EVERYPLACE ENTERPRISE EDITION v 8.1 MULTIOS <BR/>IBM DB2 Everyplace Mobile Device Enterprise Toolkit v 1.0 <BR/>IBM DB2 SPATIAL EXTENDER 8.1 MULTILANG LINUX <BR/>IBM DB2 SPATIAL EXTENDER 8.1 MULTILANG SOLARIS <BR/>IBM DB2 Spatial Extender v 8.1 Multilanguage <BR/>IBM DB2 UDB Personal Edition v 8.1.Multilanguage <BR/>IBM Lotus Domino v 6.5 <BR/><BR/>J<BR/><BR/>Janome 10000 <BR/>Janome 10000 digitiser <BR/>JASC AFFTER SHOT PREMIUM EDITION 1.0 <BR/>JASC PAINT SHOP PHOTO ALBUM v 4.0 <BR/>JASC PAINT SHOP PRO v 8.0 <BR/>JASC VIRTUAL PAINTER 3 <BR/>JASMINE II PORTAL v 3.0 <BR/>JAWS PDF CREATOR v 2.1 <BR/>JBUILDER 6 COMPANION TOOLS <BR/>Jewelcad 4.11 <BR/>Jewelcad 4.22 <BR/>Jewelcad 5.0 <BR/>JOBBOSS v 7.0 <BR/>JProbe Developer Suite v 2.8.1 <BR/>Jstart-jhelpor V1.3 <BR/>JVIEWS<BR/><BR/>K<BR/><BR/>K3 4.07 <BR/>KAPLAN HIGHER SCORE ON SAT 5.1 <BR/>KAYDARA FILMBOX 3.2 <BR/>Kaydara motion builder 4.03 <BR/>KDTele Tools 2.5 <BR/>KEIL SOFTWARE 8051 v 7.0 AND C16X ST10 v 4.2 PRO SDK <BR/>Keystone Windows 2000 Directory Services Level 1 <BR/>Keystone Windows 2000 Directory Services Level 2 <BR/>Keystone Windows 2000 Pro Level 7 <BR/><BR/>L<BR/><BR/>L and H SIMPLY TRANSLATING DELUXE 3.5 <BR/>Labcenter Proteus 5.2 Pro <BR/>LABVIEW.APPLICATION.BUILDER.V6.1 [1CD] <BR/>LabVIEW.Report.Generation.Toolkit.For.Microsoft.Office.v1.0.1 <BR/>LABVIEW.V6.0.1 <BR/>LABVIEW.V6.1 [2CD] <BR/>Lahey fortran 3.5 [1CD] <BR/>LANDSCAPE.ILLUSTRATOR.2001 [1CD] <BR/>LANG LCad 1.33.0000 <BR/>LANG LScan32 3.20 <BR/><BR/>M<BR/><BR/>Mac OS X 10.2 <BR/>Machinerys handbook 26th edition [1CD] <BR/>Machining Strategist V4.0 <BR/>MACHINIST.TOOLBOX.V7.07 <BR/>MacKichan.Scientific.Workplace.v4.00 <BR/>MACROMEDIA Authorware v 6.5 <BR/>MACROMEDIA Breeze Enterprise v 3.0.4 <BR/>MACROMEDIA COLD FUSION MX SERVER 6 ENTERPRISE EDITION <BR/>MACROMEDIA Contribute v 1.0 <BR/>MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER 5 <BR/>MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER MX 2004 <BR/>MACROMEDIA ESSENTIALS MX 2002 <BR/>MACROMEDIA FIREWORKS 5 <BR/><BR/>N<BR/><BR/>NAG.FASTFLO V3.0 <BR/>Namiserv 1.06/1.07 <BR/>Native_Instruments_FM7_Presets_Addon_1 <BR/>NAVI SAILOR 2400 <BR/>Navi.Plan.v7.0.WinALL <BR/>Navision Attain <BR/>NE.NASTRAN V7.12 <BR/>Nemetschek Allplan and Allplot FT v17 <BR/>Nemetschek.Allplan and Allplot v16.3 <BR/>Nemetschek.VectorWorks.Architect v10 <BR/>Nemetschek_Allplan_and_Allplot_v16.3_MULTILANGUAGE <BR/>NESTER 15.0 <BR/>NeuralPower.v1.64. <BR/>Neuro Solutions v4.17 Developers Edition <BR/>NeuroSolutions.v4.19.Developers.Edition <BR/>NEVRON_3D_CHARTING_TOOLKIT_v6.00 <BR/>NICERS PRO 8.0.7 <BR/><BR/>O<BR/><BR/>OAG Travel Information System Spring Edition 2003 <BR/>ODA 4.08 <BR/>Odeon 6.0 Combined edition <BR/>ODISSEY (ENTEK iRD) <BR/>Office Hours Pro For Medisoft v 7.02 <BR/>Office One v 6.5 <BR/>OfficeWatch 6.03 <BR/>OilFieldManager 4.0 <BR/>OMEGA CP v 1.56 <BR/>Omnis Studio v 3.0 <BR/>OmniView 5.26 <BR/>OneSpace Collaboration (2D DD) <BR/>OneSpace Collaboration (3D DM) <BR/><BR/>P<BR/><BR/>Paint Shop Pro <BR/>Palisade Risk v 4.5 <BR/>PALISADE.ATRISK.V4.5 <BR/>PALISADE.ATRISK.V4.5.2.INDUSTRIAL [1CD] <BR/>PALISADE.ATRISK.V4.5.INDUSTRIAL <BR/>PALISADE.ATRISK.V4.5.PROFESSIONAL <BR/>PALISADE.DECISION.TOOLS.SUITE.V4.5 <BR/>PALISADE.DECISION.TOOLS.SUITE.V4.5.2.PROFESSIONAL [1CD] <BR/>PALISADE.DECISION.TOOLS.SUITE.V4.5.PROFESSIONAL <BR/>Palm Inc Palm Mobile Internet Kit v 1.0 <BR/>PAM-Crash.v2001 [1CD] <BR/>PAM-Crash/Safe v2001 <BR/><BR/>Q<BR/><BR/>QCad v18.1 <BR/>QCAD.V18.2 <BR/>QCAD.v18.4.Win9xNT <BR/>QFin v2.1 [1CD] <BR/>QNX Momentics v 6.2.1a Professional Edition Development Suite <BR/>QUANTUM 3D OPENGVS v 4.5 <BR/>Quark Express Passport 5.0 <BR/>Quark Xpress v 6.0 Passport Multilanguage <BR/>Quest I-Watch 4.0c3 <BR/>Quest3D 2.0 <BR/>QUEST3D ENTERPRISE EDITION v 2.0B <BR/><BR/>R<BR/><BR/>R Studio v2.0 <BR/>R Studio v2.0 DEMO <BR/>R-A Callbook 2002 <BR/>Radimpex Armcad 2000 2.3.2 <BR/>Radimpex software Tower 5.0 <BR/>Radimpex Tower 4.3.7c <BR/>Radiocom v 5.1 Multilingual <BR/>RAINBOW GEOMAGIC STUDIO v 4.1.1 <BR/>RAINDROP GEOMAGIC STUDIO v 5.0 <BR/>RAINDROP_GEOMAGIC_STUDIO_V4.1.1 [1CD] <BR/>Raisonance RKit 51 v6.1.6 BN 724 <BR/>RAL Digital 3.0 Multilanguage <BR/>Ram Advanse v5 <BR/><BR/>S<BR/><BR/>S546. Serif PhotoPlus 8.0 <BR/>SAE 2.0 PARA RED 3 USUARIOS <BR/>SAE PARA WINDOWS & Ms-DOS VER 1.0 <BR/>SAE PARA WINDOWS & Ms-DOS VER 2.01 <BR/>Safeworld Internet Security 2003 <BR/>Sales Expert (Unlimited) <BR/>SalesExpert 1.5 Unlimited <BR/>SalesExpert 1.7 Unlimited <BR/>SalesExpert ver.1.8 <BR/>Samplitude Classic v 7.0 <BR/>SAP 2000 8.08 <BR/>SAP Frontend Package v6.10 Final Compilation 2 <BR/><BR/>T<BR/><BR/>T FLEX CAD 2D v.7 <BR/>T FLEX CAD 3D SE version 7 on Parasolid <BR/>T FLEX CAD 3D version 7 on Parasolid <BR/>T FLEX CAD LT v.7 <BR/>TAI RadTherm <BR/>TAI WinTherm <BR/>Tajima 2 CD`s <BR/>Talren 97 <BR/>TANNER L-EDIT PRO v8.42 WITH LVS v8.42 <BR/>Tanner L-Edit Pro with LVS v10.0 <BR/><BR/>U<BR/><BR/>UCOS-II.v2.51 <BR/>UG NX V1.0.2.3 <BR/>Ulead Cool 3D Studio 1.0 <BR/>Ulead DVD Movie Factory v 2.1 <BR/>Ulead DVD Picture Show 2.0 <BR/>Ulead Gif Animator 5 <BR/>Ulead Media Studio Pro 7 <BR/>Ulead Photo Impact 8.0 <BR/>Ulead Video Studio 7.0 <BR/>UNIGRAPHICS NX 1.0.1 <BR/>UNIGRAPHICS NX <BR/>Unigraphics NX v1.0 <BR/><BR/>V<BR/><BR/>V COMMUNICATIONS WEBEASY PROFESSIONAL 4.0 <BR/>VALUE SAP EDITION 2 <BR/>Valusoft Form Workshop 1200 <BR/>ValuSoft Print Workshop Heartfelt Greeting Cards v 1.0 <BR/>Vanatage plant design <BR/>VANDERPLAATS.GENESIS v6.0 [1CD] <BR/>VantagePoint Intermarket Analysis Software version 6.0 <BR/><BR/>W<BR/><BR/>Wasatch Softrip v 4.5 <BR/>Wasatch Softrip V5 <BR/>WASP-NET.V5.4.3 <BR/>Wasy Ltd. FEFLOW v4.9 SP1 [1CD] <BR/>Waterloo Maple 8 <BR/>WatPro.v2.30 [1CD] <BR/>Wave Fun Spartan 02 1.0.1 <BR/>WaveFun.Spartan.02.v1.0.1 [1CD] <BR/><BR/>X<BR/><BR/>X Engineer v 1.0 <BR/>Xactimate <BR/>Xandro Desktop v1.0 <BR/>Xara 3D 5.02 <BR/>Xara Menu Maker 1.0 <BR/>Xara Web Style Version 2 <BR/>XARA WEBSTYLE v 3.0 <BR/>X-HDL.V3.2.8 <BR/>X-HDL.V3.2.8.LINUX <BR/>Xilinx ISE 6.1i <BR/><BR/>Z<BR/><BR/>ZAXWERKS 3D INVIGORATOR PRO v 3.0.1 <BR/>ZELAND.IE3D.AND.FIDELITY.V9.0 [1CD] <BR/>ZEMAX.OPTICAL.DESIGN.V2002.06.10 [1CD] <BR/>Zero G Datafile.3 CDDA EtHnO <BR/>Zero G NY Cutz.2 Off Da Hook CDDA-CHiC <BR/>Zero G-Beats N The Hood Cdda-TZ7iSO <BR/>Zero-G Ambient Volume.2 CDDA <BR/>Zero-G Beats N The Hood Cdda-TZ7iSO <BR/>Zero-G Cuckooland Vol.3 Asylum CDDA <BR/><BR/>AND OTHERs ...<BR/>Full list You can find : <a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/><BR/>All software we offer have been completely cracked and tested carefully by expert in corresponding field. All are full versions including all modules and full manuals and tutorials. Also crack and/or license and/or software dongle emulator file and step-by-step install guide are included in the CDs. When you install, you just follow the step-by-step install guide we supplied, its very easy. If you are interested in any programs in our list, just email us please, reply will not keep your waiting. Our program list updates once a week. If the program you are looking for is not listed here, you can tell us, maybe we can find it for you.<BR/>We provide qualitative performance of breaking for well protected expensive programs and programs with lower degree of protection. Cost of the service rendered by us is influenced with a degree and a kind of protection of the software.<BR/><BR/>__________________________________ <BR/><BR/>mailto:<a href=""></a> <BR/><BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="green"></font id="size4"></font id="Comic Sans MS">'s new Snipping Tool 2.0I'm playing with the new Snipping Tool 2.0 power toy on the TC4200 at Windows Anywhere (man this place is great. Every tablet on the market is here...but I digress). <BR/><BR/>I really like it this new version. It loads very fast and the new radial menu is really cool. I'd love to see more apps utilize the radial menu.<BR/><BR/>I have not heard when its' going to be released. Stylistic 4210pI recently upgraded to Tablet SP2 succesfully, but I have one problem whihc despite scouring hte internet I cannot find a solution to.<BR/>The TIP cannot undock, even if I tick the menu. The mini TIP never appears anywhere. Is this a problem with this model of Tablet or a software problem? therapy softwareAnyone know of a good, easy to use software program for the tablet for an outpatient orthopedic physical therapist? I've looked at several and they're all cumbersome and tend not to take into account skeletal alignment. Any help would be much appreciated.: Guava !!!Anyone know about this app?<BR/><BR/> Looks very cool. I'm wondering how it will work alongside Window Blinds.<BR/><BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/> to make "modes" for TPCI would like to be abe to create two "modes" for my TPC. <BR/>One mode would be used for on-the-go: <BR/> pen fuctioning<BR/> no network applications: ZoneAlarm, IM software, etc. <BR/> turn off network related processes: computer browser, server, etc<BR/><BR/>The other mode would be used in my room: <BR/> no pen functions (would be using keyboard and mouse)<BR/> load network applications<BR/> turn on network related processes<BR/><BR/>Would this even really help? I know that the TPC processes take up a lot of RAM (and I've been using the ink ram batch file, great work!). Also, I've had some background programs, such as AVG, start using up 90% of my cpu while I was in class for no apparent reason. <BR/><BR/>Thanks everyone in advance for your comments...<BR/><BR/><font size="1">[moved to Software Forum - rbushway]</font id="size1">* 151 * Tablet (or particularly useful) packages here or coming<b>Please post replies with new/updated software, text, error corrections or link-fixes. Rod</b><BR/><hr noshade size="1"><BR/><b>[:D] RECENT ADDITIONS: [:D]</b><BR/> <BR/><i><u>13 October 2003:</u></i><BR/> CIC Sign-on<BR/><BR/><i><u>16 October 2003:</u></i><BR/> riteForm<BR/><BR/><i><u>24 October 2003:</u></i><BR/> PlanPlus<BR/><BR/><i><u>18 November 2003:</u></i><BR/> EPen&Forms<BR/><BR/><i><u>21 November 2003:</u></i><BR/> Firstware<BR/><BR/><i><u>3 December 2003:</u></i><BR/> MessageEase<BR/><BR/><i><u>3 December 2003:</u></i><BR/> VT Coloring Book<BR/><BR/><i><u>11 December 2003:</u></i><BR/> Post-It Notes for Tablet<BR/><BR/><i><u>17 January 2004:</u></i><BR/> Schedule It<BR/><BR/><i><u>28 February 2004:</u></i><BR/> Agilix GoBinder<BR/><BR/><i><u>5 March 2004:</u></i><BR/> AlphaTap<BR/><BR/><i><u>10 March 2004:</u></i><BR/> Microsoft Dots<BR/><BR/><i><u>10 March 2004:</u></i><BR/> Cool Ruler<BR/><BR/><i><u>18 March 2004:</u></i><BR/> Tablet Evolution<BR/><BR/><i><u>27 April 2004:</u></i><BR/> Tapless<BR/><BR/><b>COUNT = 151 items</b><BR/><hr noshade size="1"><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black">NB: Books follow the software list.</font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">SOFTWARE:</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/>(Alphabetical by product name with some exceptions eg Microsoft and where no product name)<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">A</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="blue">abletBits AbletFactory <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>A binary pen-enabled game, using recognition and Factoids.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">abletClock AbletFactory <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon">Set your clock match time with Atomic Clock<BR/><BR/><font color="green">abletFlash AbletFactory <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green">FlashCard Game for French, Chemistry and SAT words.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">abletRx AbletFactory <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Prescription Pad demo with Signature capture<BR/><BR/><font color="red">abletQuote AbletFactory <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>abletQuote is a pen-enabled application that uses Factoids, a User Dictionary, (a WordList that includes 500 symbols) for enhanced handwriting recognition results. Source code in C# is included. <BR/><BR/><font color="green">AbletWordMgr AbletFactory <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Addresses many of the issues of TabletPC Users, has been released by the abletFactory today. This solution now makes the management and maintenance of the TabletPC word recognition engine available to all users. Recent tests conducted using abletWordMgr have shown recognition accuracy increasing from 65% to 94%. Users can now customize their systems and support multiple foreign languages, as well as add thousands of commonly used words that recognition engines will correctly recognize. This ability is enabled by the inclusion of specialized dictionaries, called SPID�s<BR/><BR/><font color="red">AbletWordMgr AbletFactory <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Utility to add,delete words to User Dictionary<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Adobe Acrobat <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Tools for commenting on documents while retaining source integrity. Multiple people can simultaneously exchange comments on a PDF document over a network, using sticky notes with free text, a highlight pen, strikethrough and underline tools, stamps, sound and graphic markups such as squares. Acrobat 6.0 Professional and Acrobat 6.0 Standard for Windows(R) 98 Second Edition (Acrobat 6.0 Standard only), Windows NT(R) Workstation 4.0 (with service pack 6), Windows 2000 Professional (with service pack 2), Windows XP Home, Professional and Tablet PC Editions, and Mac OS X v10.2.2, are expected to ship in English by the end of May 2003. <BR/><BR/><font color="red">ActiveWords <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red">Adds a simple and powerful attribute to your user interface, it turns words into actions. You enter or select any words in any context at any time, and are directly connected with services related to the meaning of those words. Tablet enabled Inkpad edition.<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Alias Sketchbook <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Superb drawing/painting/graphics/sketching program - free download of a 'lite' version.. Also available is the Pro version for US$129 with several essential enhancements.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Allscripts TouchWorks <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>A modular electronic medical record (EMR). WIll now inclide ebook resource: Clinical Pharmacology replaces three of the Pocket Library's previous drug reference titles - Drug Guide, Geriatric Drug Guide, and Pediatric Drug Guide - unified drug guide resource to save time, eliminate medication errors, enhance patient care, and improve clinical outcomes. Pocket Library is a component of the TouchWorks modular electronic medical record (mEMR(TM)). Clinical Pharmacology's drug data, Drug Guide provides its users with current, peer-reviewed, clinically-relevant information on all commonly prescribed U.S. prescription drugs, as well as hard-to-find herbal supplements, nutritional and over-the-counter products, non-FDA approved indications, and dosing information for pediatric, adult, geriatric, pregnant, hepatic and renally impaired patients. <BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">AlphaTap <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>An alternative pen input to keyboard or handwriting recognition. Your hand rests in one place on the screen as you stroke or tap at a 4x7 "staircase" layout, allowing numerous common letter combinations to be stroked without lifting the pen.<BR/><BR/><font color="black">Amicore <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black">A joint venture between IBM Microsoft and Pfizer. For health care profesionals. Software in clinical and practice management versions.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Annotator by Meander <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Add inking to Microsoft Office - worth checking out<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">Artrage by Ambient <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon">New Zealand software for paointing with a realistic brush and paint experience. <BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Autocad 2004 <a href=",,616714-123112,00.html" target="_blank">,,616714-123112,00.html</a></font id="blue"><BR/>'The industry standard in 2D drafting, detailing and 3D design, built for faster design creation and easier file sharing.'<BR/><BR/><font color="teal">Autodesk Architectural Studio <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="teal"><BR/>Most current use of Architectural Studio is on a desktop with a Wacom digitizing tablet. With the availability of the Tablet PC, an architect can work on-site without paper. While not yet enhanced to support digital ink, Autodesk is working on enhancing at least one of their GIS (Geographic Information Systems) products such as Autodesk Map. <BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Avanade Inc., mobile solutions <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>Apparently is working on some Tablet PC solution<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">B</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="green">BAE SYSTEMS, systems integrator <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Apparently is working on some Tablet PC solution<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">C</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="red">CACHE database by Intersystems <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Healthcare database product. Real-time wireless access provided by the CACHE Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP), which uses unique distributed cache technology to deliver high performance.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">C.A.T.S. Synergistix Tablet PC Edition <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue">Call Activity Tracking System (C.A.T.S.), a sales force automation and customer relationship management tool designed to help pharmaceutical companies effectively plan and track activities with physicians, pharmacies, and hospitals in their territories.<BR/><BR/><font color="black">CD Emulator <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"><BR/>Copy CDs onto a hard drive so you can access them without the need for a CD Rom drive attached. Useful perhaps most for those CDs that otherwise need to be present physically to work.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">CIC Sign-On <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Uses a signature recognition engine instead of having to type in a password on the windows login screen.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">Classroom Presenter <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and now available here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>THis is brilliant. A distributed applicaiton allowing a teacher to beam his or her text and ink to a projector and to other tablets pcs in the classroom. The Tablet PC is used as the presentation device because of the high quality ink that it provides. A basic goal of Classroom Presenter is to provide an integration of computer generated slides and ink in a manner that allows instructors flexibility in delivery and interaction with the audience. Has been used in a range of scenarios including distance education and in-class instruction. In the distance scenarios the instructor has lectured from a tablet pc which was connected to computer in the remote room which displayed the slides and writing. In the in-class usage, the instructor uses a tablet pc which is connected to another machine which is driving the data projector. The initial development of ConferenceXP Presenter was done at Microsoft Research in 2002. Subsequent development has been done at University of Washington, and current versions of Classroom Presenter are available at this site. The UW releases are still covered by a Microsoft Research License. The key restriction in the current license is that use is limited to "Research and Internal Teaching Purposes". <BR/><BR/><font color="red">ClearTweak for ClearType <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>This utility enables you to fiddle with the ClearType settings to improve the contrast. Very cool.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">CMS ABSplus Automatic Backup System <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/><BR/><font color="brown">Colligo Personal Edition <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="brown"><BR/>Software for real-time, short-range, peer-to-peer interactions for up to 10 people using WiFi or Bluetooth. File sharing, email, chat and instant messaging, document synchronization, chat and instant messaging. Instant file exchange and private messaging directly between mobile professionals using the WLAN-enabled NEC Versa LitePad without the need for central access points, servers, or Internet connections. Versa LitePad users gain productivity and convenience as soon as they power on while reducing frustration associated with finding an Internet connection or network drop, disk swapping, one-to-one infrared beaming, or waiting to send email upon returning to the office. <BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Cool Ruler <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Free application. Puts a ruler on your desktop which measures in pixels, inches and cemtimeters. You can move it around over your applications, make horizontal or vertical. scale it, create more than one at any one time, put placekeepign marks on it. Not specifically for the Tablet but still seems to feel right on it. See also MB Protractor for angles.<BR/><BR/><font color="black">Cubistix <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black">spatially represents information for effective business modeling and real-time decision-making and risk assessment. The Cubistix software suite runs on Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, offering users immediate access to data from both front- and back-end systems using visual tools that do not require knowledge of complex querying languages.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">D</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="orange">Dassault Systemes, computer aided design <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="orange"><BR/><BR/><font color="navy"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Denim is a website prototyping tool that magically brings alive sketches of sites without its users having to do any programming. Developed by the Group for User Interface Research at UC Berkeley, Denim allows designers to play around with different ideas with the speed and ease of drawing on paper. Even better, sketches can be hyperlinked, allowing a series of rough drawings to become a fully interactive site.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Devanagari Cedar and the Indian Statistical Institute www</font id="green">A script-recognition tool for software that can recognize Devanagari. The script-recognition software, which can be downloaded free, can separate lines and individual characters written in the flowing script. It then offers an on-screen transliteration in Roman characters for proofreading. <BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">E</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">Eclipsys SunriseXA <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="maroon"><BR/>A form of electronic medical record. Has a built-in set of pre-defined anatomical images (hand, heart, head, etc.). The physician sits with a patient and uses digital ink to draw overlays on the images while explaining treatment plans -- e.g., where the blockage is, where a stent [a wire mesh tube] is going to be inserted, etc. The application allows multiple ink overlays, so progress can be shown over time (e.g., in treating severe burns). <BR/><BR/><font color="green">EDS PLM and CAD <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Product Lifecycle Management software (PLM)<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">EPen&Forms by Design Universe <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>Provides a powerful, easy-to-use tool for creating custom forms for handwriting on Tablet PCs with direct data export into any application or database. Convert your forms for use on Tablet PCs in minutes. Sync with Microsoft Outlook Contacts, Exchange, Word, Excel. Export data to CSV or XML,SQL, Oracle or any database <BR/><BR/><font color="teal">ESC Technologies - WallpaperGyro <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="teal"><BR/>Tablet PC wallpaper re-orienting utility. Available for free download<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">ESRI ArcMap <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>ArcGIS consists of a scalable family of applications that cover a wide range of GIS needs from the individual user to enterprise-wide systems. This includes such functions as mapping, geocoding, 3D geographic data visualization, spatial query, topographical analysis, geostatistical analysis, editing topologically integrated features, feature-linked annotation, advanced spatial analysis, and street address matching and map display. ArcMap for use on the Tablet PC has support for multiple digital ink overlays. When a map is displayed in ArcMap, an ink toolbar appears with tools for storing, highlighting, recognizing (with alternatives) and erasing ink. <BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">F</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="red">Firstware by Phoenix <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Instant on for your Tablet or notebook. Turns your machine into a PDA. Access MS Outlook information without booting through the operating system.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">Fitaly keyboard <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="purple"><BR/>The FITALY keyboard is a replacement for the Tablet PC Input Panel keyboard. It is an alternative to the standard QWERTY layout because it reduces the distance between pen strokes. Is in use on Pcoket PCs.<BR/><BR/><font color="black">Fractal-PC <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"><BR/>This is a Windows Explorer substitute, reducing the number of clicks or strokes required to bore down into folders/files. Very handy indeed. Well worth orth checking out. Not a tablet only application but works extremely well with the tablet paradigm and comes into its own in it.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">G</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="brown">Geomedia by Intergraph <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="brown"><BR/>Collection, manipulation, and presentation of geospatial data(look for version 5.1) .<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Agilix GoBinder <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Designed for students, a binder and journal combination. Ink enabled. this seems to be a combination of Journal ad Outlook and OneNote. Well worth a look for anyone, notjust students.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">Grafigo Corel <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Written for Tablet PC. - sketching & annotation tools, symbol libraries, shape recognition and handwriting recognition in an almost completely graphical user interface. <BR/><BR/><font color="red">Groove Workspace <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Peer-to-peer collaboration. Small groups of people create secure, interactive, shared workspaces. All activity made by any member is immediately duplicated on the other members' PCs. <BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">H</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="purple">Hanwang Technologies Inc., wireless communications <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Apparently is working on some Tablet PC solution<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Healthwyse <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Point of Care Product. Clinicians visiting with patients have complete access to the entire clinical record and can complete their documentation in the home. <BR/><BR/><font color="green">Holiday Cards <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>From WhatISNew web site. Shows how to send holiday cards and allows you to download free templates for the Tablet PC.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">I</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Ink AniEd <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Ink based animation tool which essentially lets you make animation as quickly as you can draw normal Ink objects, using a very easy to use interface. It's really great for stick-figure animations and even lets you cut and paste ink from other application into and out of AniEd.<BR/><BR/><BR/><font color="green">Inkwalker's PenCircuit <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Beta as at December 2002. Draw an electrical circuit in digital ink and it is converted to a true circuit diagram that also doubles as a circuit simulator.<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">IE Ink Address Bar <BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Adds functionality to Internet Explorer's address bar by making it ink aware. Came out of discussions on this forum: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/><BR/><font color="red">InkCalc Beta <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>See software Library of this forum. Ink based calculator.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">InkPlayer <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>As you draw in InkPlayer you can mark "Visible/Key Frames." These are the states of the drawing that are played when reviewing an ink sequence. Scan forwards and backwards through the sequence. <BR/><BR/><font color="orange">iSoft Corp., peer-to-peer communications software <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="orange"><BR/>Apparently is working on some Tablet PC solution<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">IntegriMED Office <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>IntegriMED Office Office suite of integrated business and clinical applications is now available on the Tablet PC. <BR/><BR/><font color="brown">Iteration Real-Time Platform <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="brown"><BR/>Information delivered to a user within 2-10 seconds of an event or transaction. A server taps into data flows produced by existing enterprise information systems. "Active Viewer," is user interface <BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">J</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">K</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="blue">KeyLogix ActiveDocs <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>Works with Word 2002 to automate document-creation without programming. Automatically builds and displays a Document Wizard from field names - it prompts the user for responses. <BR/><BR/><font color="red">Knowhow Mobilisation <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Knowhow Mobilisation offers easy-to-use software to support innovation and knowledge transfer. Its main product is the 'The Knowhow Mobiliser'. The Knowhow Mobiliser is designed to exploit the features of Tablet PCs and help experts help each other. An associated download is the help system for the Knowhow Mobiliser. <BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">L</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="orange">Leszinsky InDirect <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="orange"><BR/>Proof of concept preview of a gesture program which allows you to map simple on-screen pen gestures to shortcuts, and in the future to macros.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">LiquidOffice by Cardiff and HP <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Being particularly promoted for the Compaq TC1000. EForm automation<BR/><BR/><font color="black">Lookout by MiniMax <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"><BR/>See story at <a href=",+08:03+AM" target="_blank">,+08:03+AM</a><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">M</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="green">M2PolaroidSnap <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>M2PolaroidSnap is a simple program to frame a picture either from a file, or from the clipboard and then annotate it with ink on a Tablet PC. The results can then either be saved to a JPEG file or pasted back into the clipboard.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">MagicInk <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>You know those "Magic-Eye" posters and books with all the wierd dots where you squint your eyes and see a 3D object? Well now you can draw them right on your TabletPC! Just adjust how hard you press the pen to adjust how height or low the line appears at that point. This makes it really fun and easy to draw 3D objects."<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Mastermine <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Mine mapping software. Digitally capture your geological/structural data at source - underground or in the pit. NB: Looks like old style 'tablets' are supported but query if 'true' Tablet PCs<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">MathJournal by Xthink <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>EXTREMELY COOL!!! MathJournal allows you to handwrite maths equations and it solves them. Whatever you do, check out this, particularly the video presentation. See also XThink Calculator<BR/><BR/><font color="green">MaxVista <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Allows you to spread your desktop computer's desktop onto your tablet<BR/><BR/><font color="red">MessageEase by Exideas <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red">This is a replacement for the tablet on screen keyboard. It has a different shape and letter access, allows for resizign and i ssaid to be faster than text entry with the built-in keyboard<BR/><BR/><font color="red">MDG <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Israeli produced medical software for distribution of medications within hospitals.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">mEnable from Syware <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Wireless software architecture that allows mobile users to access and modify server data in real time. mEnable allows the development of data-driven applications that wirelessly connect Windows, Windows CE, and Pocket PC-powered handhelds, including the new XP Tablet PCs, with corporate servers.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Mi-Forms by Mi-co <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>To capture and store, recognize and communicate handwritten electronic data - now in partnership with Motion Computing. The third generation of the Mi-Forms Software System with the shipment of Release 3.2. Mi-Forms enables organizations to efficiently collect data in a mobile environment, increase the quality of the collected data, and quickly use the information gathered by direct distribution to back end systems for analysis and monitoring functions. Continues the support of the Pocket PCs that was introduced in previous versions of the software. In addition, support of the new Tablet PCs running Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is now available for general release, as is support for the Seiko SmartPad and support of the ePad-ink from Interlink. <BR/> <BR/><font color="black">Microsoft Art Tool for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="black"><BR/>Use this coloring book and your imagination to create awesome pictures. A variety of templates are included, and you can also load your own pictures to color.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">Microsoft Calculator for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="red"><BR/>Use the Calculator for Tablet PC in place of your handheld calculator. Simply use your pen to write the numbers for calculations.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">Microsoft Crossword Solver Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="red"><BR/><b>NOTE: Some people have reported difficulties with this.</b><BR/><BR/><font color="green">Microsoft Dots for Tablet PC <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>A powertoy, game released by Microsoft.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Microsoft Dictionary Tool<BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>To improve your handwriting recognition results, you can customize the dictionary your Tablet PC uses to interpret your handwriting. You can add your own words or import them from a text file or the Microsoft Office dictionary. You can also use the Dictionary Tool to remove words from the dictionary.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Microsoft Drawing Animator Toy for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="green"><BR/>Free your imagination and enjoy colorful animated images you create. The Drawing Animator Toy for Tablet PC lets you draw your own doodles and animate them, including picture rotation, bounce, and more.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Microsoft Extended Desktop for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="blue"><BR/>If you like using an extended desktop with your Tablet PC, then this utility is for you. The Extended Desktop for Tablet PC allows you to use the tablet pen to access the portion of the extended desktop that displays on an external monitor. This PowerToy will create a window on your Tablet PC that shows a duplicate image of the desktop on the external monitor. You can then manipulate the objects on the extended desktop within this window.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Microsoft Greenwich Server <a href=",3959,936321,00.asp" target="_blank">,3959,936321,00.asp</a></font id="green">Announcement that will support PC-to-phone connections and PC-to-PC voice and video connections over voice over IP, as well as data conferencing and remote assistance applications. It also works with Microsoft's Tablet PC environment for shared electronic whiteboarding<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">Microsoft Handwriting Analysis Tool for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="maroon"><BR/>Ever wondered what your handwriting says about you? Thanks to the Handwriting Analysis Tool for Tablet PC, now you can find out. This handwriting analyzer will examine the characteristics of your handwriting and report what it reflects about your personality. <b>NOTE: This seems to have disappeared from the Powertoys site as at 25 April 2003. Anyone know why or where it's gone?</b><BR/><BR/><font color="red">Microsoft Hoop Strategy Game for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="red"><BR/>If you enjoy unconventional games, you'll want to download the Hoop Strategy Game for Tablet PC. In this game, you build your own strategy to get the ball in the hoop. Draw a path and be creative�but keep in mind that gravity, velocity, and trajectory will play a big part in your success.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Microsoft Hold Tool for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="blue"><BR/>Annoyed by the press and hold functionality of your tablet pen? Download the Hold Tool for Tablet PC and turn off the press and hold functionality for certain controls. Scrollbars, push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, spinner controls, slider controls, and tab controls will respond immediately when the pen tip touches them.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">Microsoft Maze Game for Tablet PC part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="purple"><BR/>Try a classic maze game�Tablet PC style. Try to escape this maze as fast as you can by using your pen to draw a line from start to finish.<BR/><BR/><font color="black">Microsoft Tablet PC Music Composition Tool part of Powertoys <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"> <BR/>With this music composing tool, you can create and play your own music files. Use your pen to write notes on the staff and then play your tune.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>The SDK file for download from MSN. <BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Microsoft InkBall <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>Included with XP Tablet PC Edition. Purpose is to increase user's pen ability. Earn points by drawing ink strokes to guide colored balls into holes of the same color. <BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Microsoft Journal </font id="blue"><BR/>Note-taking application. Save the file as an ink note. Search your handwritten (digital ink) notes - the search algorithm searches the words that have been stored in the ink's property records as the output of background handwriting recognition Can be used as a document editor for external documents from Windows applications. <BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Microsoft Journal Viewer for PC <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"> <BR/>Go to Windows update (make sure you are using the latest Microsoft Internet Explorer if you have problems) and download the Journal Viewer for your PC.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">Microsoft Messenger 5 <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Windows Messenger 5 supports 3 instant messaging services: MSN .NET, Exchange IM (part of Exchange 2000), and RealTime Communication Server (RTC, codename Greenwich). RTC uses an Internet-standard IM protocol called SIP (Session Initation Protocol). This client also supports Ink messages for tablet PC's. <BR/><BR/><font color="green">Microsoft OneNote <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>A way of organizing and creating ink and text and Office documents in tabbed notebooks.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Microsoft Reader</font id="green"> <BR/>For reading e-books. Has text-to-speech. Unlike desktop version, this one is full screen.<BR/><BR/><font color="black">Microsoft Tablet Office XP Pack <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"></b><BR/>Free, downloadable add-on to Office XP (2002, v10) enabling digital ink in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook, as well as in OLE-compatible programs such as Project 2002 and Visio 2002. <BR/><BR/><font color="orange">Microsoft Tablet Pool</font id="orange"> <BR/>Microsoft "PowerToy" program. PowerToys are available free from Microsoft but not officially supported by Microsoft. <BR/><BR/><font color="teal">Microsoft Visio <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="teal"><BR/>As with Office 2003, Visio contains more features and user interface optimizations that explicitly support the Tablet PC. A new and intuitive way to annotate diagrams. The integration of digital ink supports natural markup of existing drawings and free-sketch creation with the pen on the Tablet PC. Enhancements to simplify input with the pen and provide support for the higher resolution display environment in the Tablet PC can help bring true mobility to scenarios. Sign-up for the Beta at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/><BR/><font color="red">Mindgenius (was Ygnius) for Tablet PC <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>MindGenius brainbloom overcomes the problems of brainstorming by helping you generate, capture and analyze the output as part of the brainstorming session.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Mindjet MindMapper for Tablet <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>Mind mapping software - download a 21 trial of the Tablet version.<BR/><BR/><font color="black">Mozilla web browser <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"><BR/>Plugins to Mozilla (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) give gesture capability adn also pie menus.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">MyScript by Vision Objects <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon">MyScript Notes transforms your handwritten notes into computer readable files, including text, tables, drawing. Recognizes natural handwriting, numerous geometrical forms, arrows and tables. Respects the layout of your original document. You can modify, complete and correct the resulting file with word processing and other software (presentation graphics program, communication/email program, etc.).<BR/><BR/><font color="black">My-T-Soft <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"><BR/>On-Screen keyboard emulation that works with ANY Windows program. 21 new international layouts with 3D Key display and infinite sizing! The NT Logon option allows the pointing device (Pen, Touchscreen, or other device) to logon to Windows and enables the evolution beyond the physical keyboard once and for all! The feature list includes all of the requested options found in the Windows 95/98 versions My-T-Touch and My-T-Pen, including the ability to re-map keys, Custom Logos, Supervisor / Operator modes, and hundreds of other options... <BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">N</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Natural Input Solution <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Enhances the correction of text once input with handwriting or speech<BR/><BR/><font color="green">NGRAIN <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green">3D visualization and simulation software tools<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">NotateIt <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Freestyle presentation, brainstorming, scribbling, whiteboard software in Workbooks<BR/><BR/><font color="green">NoteTalk <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Global law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges hired Leszynski Group to create NoteTalk, a powerful productivity application designed specifically for the Tablet PC. NoteTalk allows attorneys to collaborate around documents and to collect meeting notes, voice notes, and document markup into a permanent record. While this is for that firm, Leszynski is working on a public realease due American [usa] winter 2003.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">O</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Opera web browser <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy">A small and fast browser and now with a mouse gesture function that seems ideal for Tablets. Features such as multiple document interface (MDI), mouse gestures, keyboard shortcuts, Hotclick translation, presentation tool, zooming, integrated search, and so many more were first introduced in Opera.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">Orderpad 2003 by Coleconnect <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Salespeople can take orders as if using a paper form. Ink to text conversion, applet for easy corrections. Customer, contact, and address data stored and is entered using digital ink, keyboard/mouse, or imported from Microsoft Outlook� and Microsoft Excel�. Pre-populated order form with relevant customer information can be opened. Line items entered using either digital ink, a keyboard/mouse, dragging and dropping from the OrderPad 2003 Product Catalog, or by barcode scanner. Customers sign order with digital ink allowing signature to be printed on order confirmations and integrated to a separate system for fulfillment. <BR/><BR/><font color="red">Outlook - See Tablet Enhancements for Outlook</font id="red"><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">P</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="red">Parascript riteMail <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Mobile, multi-platform, interactive "inkmail" program. RiteMail wasn't designed or even enhanced specifically for the Tablet PC, but it fits. In current use by over 10,000 users in over 70 countries, in more than 35 languages. At $29.95, with a 30-day trial version available, it's worth trying. Possibly addictive on your Wi-Fi Tablet PC. <BR/><BR/><font color="brown">PenOffice 2.5 <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="brown"><BR/>Handwriting recognition. Need not be an either-or - can be set as an addition to the native Tablet hanwriting software. Adds write anywhere facility to applications such as Word or Excel. Now supports handwriting recognition in Dutch and Portuguese (Brazilian and European) languages. Tools include PenCommander, which allows using the PC pen to call up commands to control the PC; ScratchPad Shape Checker, which automatically replaces roughly drawn geometric figures with smooth versions; Microsoft Word markup feature, which allows adding handwritten notes to the Word document; and Inline Gestures, enabling users to embed control gestures in their writing<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">PhraseExpress <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Pastes frequently used text phrases and also enables other macros.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Physician Micro Systems, Inc. <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>'a leader in electronic medical records and practice management systems', has announced that its Practice Partner suite of software solutions are fully compatible with Tablet PCs. Practices using Practice Partner Patient Records, Appointment Scheduler and Medical Billing will be able to use the applications on the new Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Planogram by Veratile [bday]<a href="" target="_blank"></a>{A24F0439-4688-4DC5-BCBE-BC24B30ADFD5}&VNETCOOKIE=NO</font id="green"><BR/>Planogram is used to allow on site plannig or retail shelving space layouts.<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">PlanPlus 2.0 by FranklinCovey <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>For Microsoft Outlook, a major upgrade. Built-in support for Tablet PC devices, including pressure sensitive ink and handwriting. See TabletPlanner also.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">Post-It Notes Pro for Tablet by 3M <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Post-It notes for tablet PCs<BR/><BR/><font color="red">PowerCAD CE Pro GiveMePower Corporation <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Provides of desktop, mobile and wireless software solutions for the design/build industry, today announced it has added laser measurement support to its PowerCAD CE Pro mobile CAD system, allowing architecture, construction and design professionals to create real-time, as-built floor plans directly in the field using a Leica Geosystems AG or Hilti AG PD 25 portable laser measurement device and a Microsoft Windows CE based Pocket PC, Tablet PC, Handheld PC or Pocket PC cell phone.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Powerstrip 3.30 <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>Strictly not a Tablet PC application. Shareware. Apparently allows you vast control over graphics cards under Windows XP including aspects of screen geometry and multi-monitor issues. Note that utilities adjusting hardware parameters are usually for experts only.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">PrimeChart Greenway's Electronic Medical Record (EMR) solution <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red">cb=0&dx=1006&sc=0#doc<BR/>Allows physicians to electronically document patient encounters at the point-of-care.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">Q</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">R</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="navy">RED Real Estate Dashboard Criterion Corporation <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy">Tablet solution for real estate professionals. The RED Tablet is a wireless real estate transaction management, supply chain management application utilizing the Tablet PC as a tool to facilitate the entire real estate purchase and listing process from a single point of control.<BR/><BR/><font color="orange">Revelation Natural Art by Logotron <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="orange"><BR/>Educational software package for Tablet PCs. Drawing, painting and animation.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">riteForm <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>An advanced recognition solution for handwritten forms captured on mobile pen-enabled devices. <BR/><BR/><font color="purple">ritePen <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>"Advanced handwriting recognition utility that improves the core UI functionality and handwriting recognition for the Tablet PC and other Windows-based pen computers. Users write on the full screen and their handwriting is converted into text and automatically entered into target applications. ritePen's handwriting recognition engine automatically fuses with the embedded Windows XP Tablet PC Edition handwriting recognition and provides users with improved recognition results. Includes advanced pen functionality that enables easy pen manipulation of application windows, seamless navigation between windows, and automatic discrimination between on-screen navigation tools and input areas."<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Route Rite Elgedn Software <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Management of route sales and service businesses with re-occurring services and the corresponding accounting.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">S</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="navy">SAP mySAP CRM <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Collaborative e-business platform that allows employees, customers and business partners to work together anywhere, anytime. Handwriting recognition is enabled in data entry fields through pop-ups that eliminate the need to use the Input Panel, searchable ink notes annotation, digital ink signatures<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Scansoft Inc; OmniForm Filler <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>This form creator will be available for the Tablet PC in 2003.<BR/><BR/><font color="brown">ScanSoft Inc., PaperPort <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="brown"><BR/>Document scanning and management software. To be extended to support Microsoft Journal.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">ScanSoft Inc., Dragaon Naturally Speaking <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Available now for the Tablet PC<BR/><BR/><font color="red">ScanSoft Inc., Realspeak <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Text to speech, SDK. See also the ADR Embedded development system at <a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Schedule It by Mark Ballance <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy">Easy, ink enabled project planning software<BR/><BR/><font color="red">Sensiva <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"> <BR/>Symbol Commander Pro - Gesture command software. MAcros, sub menus, sub-sub-sub-menus, change the gesture you want to execute whatever command you want to.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Sevocity by Conceptual Mindworks <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>See the news story at <a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/>Electronic medical records ( EMR ) software runs on any type of computer software system and hardware including tablet PCs, Macintosh computers, Microsoft Windows computers and more.<BR/><BR/><font color="orange">Siebel Systems Inc., eBusiness applications software</font id="orange"><BR/><BR/><b><font color="black">SpeechStudio Suite <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="black"></b><BR/>Development tools and ActiveX controls that help programmers create voice-enabled applications using the Microsoft Speech API (SAPI v5, included in XP Tablet PC Edition). <BR/><BR/><font color="green">Stentor Inc., medical imaging <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Apparently working on Tablet PC solution<BR/><BR/><font color="red">StrokeIt <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Originally written for gestures with a mouse but apparently works well with a tablet pen as well.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">SymPhone by TeleSym <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green"><BR/>Adds cordless pohone capabilities to WIndows based PCs on 802.11 wirelss netorks, including specifically Tablet PCs. 'Validated' for Intel Centrino. See story at <a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">T</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="red">Tablet Blogger <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Blog with the tablet!<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Tablet Enhancements for Outlook by Einstein <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green">product_id=TEO10<BR/>Adds incredible ink enhancements to Outlook 2003. Well worth a look.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">Tablet Evolution by Abasoft <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>Interstign concept similar ina way to OneNote adn Journal but somewhat different particularly in design. Worth a look.<BR/><BR/><font color="purple">TabletPlanner by FranklinCovey <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="purple"><BR/>Popular replacement for the paper version and for Outlook so far as calendaring, contacts and to-dos are concerned. Latest version fixes many of the reported problems with early version. See Microsoft Outlook integrated PlanPlus also.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">TabletSaver <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>Draw a doodle or write a message with this ink enabled screen saver and turn it into your screen saver<BR/><BR/><font color="red">Tablet UML Tool <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>Tablet UML (from The Tablet UML Company) is a Unified Modeling Language tool for the Tablet PC. It lets you build UML models with a simple �Smart Cocktail Napkin� user interface: you draw, and it understands. Use the Tablet PC pen to draw shapes (circles, rectangles, triangles, and lines). Tablet UML will translate them into UML elements appropriate to the current diagram type: actors, classes, interfaces, components, processors, objects, activities, branches, swimlanes, states, and more. Draw connectors (arrows and lines), and Tablet UML will translate them into UML relations: associations, dependencies, generalizations, and more. Draw anything at all, and manually tell Tablet UML how to recognize that <BR/>shape.<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">Tapless <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>Excellent keyboard replacement. When you start a new word, the Word-Browser appears above the keyboard displaying predicted word lists using predictive word lengths to shorten the hunt time. It has a neat macro/key programming facility. 35,000 or 135,000 dictionary depending on preference & you can add new words.<BR/><BR/><font color="green">Target SFA Suite by Target Software <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="green">Target SFA Pharmaceutical Suite from Target Software. Target SFA is a set of modern mobile sales force automation (SFA), sample accountability, and call reporting software applications designed for pharmaceutical organizations of all sizes. FOr Pocket PC. Tablet PC versin coming.<BR/><BR/><font color="navy">TaskModule <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy"><BR/>Speeds up the selection of open apps with your pen. This creates a little moveable window "Tasks". Click on it and it has a drop down window of all running tasks. Click on a task & its brought to the front.<BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">The Brain <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>A graphical interface for organising folders, files, thoughts, task, links and categories of information in an animated map-like interface. Not a tablet-specific application - can be used on any PC. Some people are finding this very useful for organisation on their tablets. Download the trial version of PersonalBrain 3.0<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">U</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">V</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="maroon">VT Coloring Book by Vectiva http:/<a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="maroon"><BR/>An innovative educational application. Teaching tool for preschool and elementary aged children. It helps them to learn the skills they will need to successfully use a Tablet PC in an e-enabled learning environment, while entertaining them with familiar cartoon images and challenging them to complete the coloring pages. Children will spend hours coloring a variety of cartoon pages on their Tablet PCs. They can also save and print the images for gift giving and crafts. Parents will also like the fact that they can add an almost infinite number of cartoon coloring pages to the VT Coloring Book collection for free.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">W</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="teal">WebEx Meeting Service <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </font id="teal"><BR/>Tools for conducting real-time meetings over the Internet. Allows sharing any Windows application (including Microsoft Journal). Allows taking notes in digital ink during the meeting, designated as a "private" function so they can't be shared. Enter chat text using handwriting. <BR/><BR/><font color="navy">Web Front Communications Inc. Home Appraisal <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="navy">Tablet PC Home Appraisal insurance solution. The solution, a prototype application designed for field use in a Home Appraisal scenario, leverages Microsoft Windows XP for Tablet PC Edition and is built entirely using the Microsoft .NET Framework.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">X</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="green">XcelleNet <a href=",+12:17+PM" target="_blank">,+12:17+PM</a></font id="green"><BR/>Mobile device management and data movement award-winning technology enables enterprises to extend essential systems management and data synchronization capabilities out to a comprehensive array of highly mobile devices<BR/><BR/><font color="blue">XPhone <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="blue"><BR/>Not limited t Tablet PCs - also for Pocket PCs CE and others. Replicates the functionality of a SIP telephone handset and delivers many traditional PBX features in addition to enhanced capabilities found in a SIP-based network. xPhone offers an intuitive phone-like interface and can be easily customized.<BR/><BR/><font color="red">Xthink Calculator by Xthink <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>The xThink Calculator is a fully functional calculator for a Tablet PC user. You can use the xThink Calculator just as you would use a normal pocket calculator. The difference is, you enter numbers, operations and functions by writing on the tablet. See also MathJornal by Xthink<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">Y</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">Z</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><font color="red">Zinio Reader <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font id="red"><BR/>An E-reading program that specializes in e-magazines rather than e-books.<BR/><BR/><font face="Arial Black"><font size="6"><font color="black">BOOKS:</font id="black"></font id="size6"></font id="Arial Black"><BR/><BR/><b><font color="red">Text</font id="red"></b> "<font color="green">Building Tablet PC Applications"</font id="green"> by Rob Jarrett and Philip Su, Microsoft Press, ISBN 0-7356-1723-6 available Amazon: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Sales Rank: 27,260 <BR/><BR/><b><font color="red">Text</font id="red"></b> "<font color="green">How To Do Everything With Your Tablet PC"</font id="green"> by Bill Mann, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media;(February 2003), ISBN 0072227710 available Amazon: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <BR/><BR/><b><font color="red">Text</font id="red"></b> <font color="green">"Tablet PC Quick Reference"</font id="green"> Jeff Van West, Microsoft Press; ISBN: 0735618631; Sales Rank: 25,86A Amazon: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <BR/><BR/><b><font color="red">Text</font id="red"></b> <font color="green">"Tablet PC Software Development With .NET", </font id="green">Ed Holloway, E. Holloway, APress; ISBN: 1590590767; (April 25, 2024) <BR/><b> Sales Rank: 1,906,682</b> (this ranking CAN'T be right!!) <a href="" target="_blank"></a><BR/><BR/><b><font color="red">Magazine</font id="red">[/b] <font color="blue">Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, The Official Magazine</font id="blue"> MicroSoft(UK)<BR/>Comes with a CD with add-on programs. circa $12.95US. May be available at Barnes & Noble<font color="orange"></font id="orange">