Tablet PC Buzz premier source for Tablet PC news and informationen-usSpencer Goad (, 05 Aug 2024 13:00:00 GMTTue, 05 Aug 2024 13:00:00 GMT PC Buzz preimer source for Tablet PC news and informationWhy did you choose Viewsonic?I am looking into buying a tablet pc and would love some advice! problem on 1250sMy 1250 is a couple months old at this point. Just over the last few days, I've had a problem with -- I think -- the backlight turning off spontaneously as I work (i.e., not in response to inactivity). It took me a couple days of panicked experimentation to discover that the display comes off if I use the function-F4 to turn the backlight off and then on again. (F4 may not be right -- I don't have it in front of me.) I'm also not sure if the backlight is going off or if the display is going black -- it's hard to tell. The last two evenings this has happened so frequently as to render the machine useless.<BR/><BR/>I filed a support request with Viewsonic Monday night, but it hasn't been responded to yet. I did make sure I had my screen resolution at the recommended setting. <BR/><BR/>Any thoughts?<BR/><BR/>Bob in KCMO WebsiteI've been unable to view the viewsonic website over the last few days, but it times out. Can any of you see it? I can surf normally otherwise.<BR/><BR/><a href="" target="_blank"></a> - First ImpressionsVI 1100. Initial Impressions<BR/>I bought a V 1100 off of ebay a few weeks ago. I Payed $560, which may have been a bit much, but I think it's a good learner. so far I've been impressed. The hand writing recognition is quite good, as l write this it gets only a few words wrong. I haven't gotten much into the dictation software yet...<BR/><BR/><BR/>The tablet, at 3.9 lbs is a bit heavy, and the 866mh2 CPU is a bit slow. The stock 256 of pc133 is not enough but what can you expect of 4 year old technology? I certainly got what I payed for.<BR/><BR/>The screen is great... visibility outside I'd rate at about 4/10... and the B. wireless internal was a snap to setup. All in all its a mixed bag... for the money it's a great little tablet to keep on the coffee table and carry thru an airport, but its hot going to be used for anything other than some web surfing, excel, access and email. <BR/><BR/>I can't imagine a <a href="mailto:Fujitsu@933">Fujitsu@933</a> would be much better, nor perhaps a 1GHZ litepad... though the screen of one and weight of the other would be an improvement... the Cost difference is (in my opinion) not quite justified.<BR/><BR/>Either way, these are my initial impressions... I'll keep playing with it, glad to have finally bit the bullet.<BR/><BR/>Now I just need to figure out how to wipe this thing out a get of factory fresh install, and then get the appz I need.<BR/><BR/>PS. I dropped a Bt PCMCIA card in it and have been using my Delorme Blue logger with Street Atlas without any problem. Very cool! distance from screenIs there a way to change the distance the pen has to be from the screen. It would be a lot easier to write on the tablet if the pen didn't start to register until it was closer to the screen. wide is the �wide viewing angle� of V1250 ?Is it really wide? <BR/><BR/>I did not find any details or pics of the screen in action... :-(<BR/><BR/>Thanks in advance! V1100Thanks for the many helpful comments and suggestions here. I finally got the Viewsonic V1100 and has been generally satisfied. However I have come to face these two main problems:<BR/><BR/>(i) Can't make external monitor (or projector) work. Tried everything in the "book" including the robot help from viewsonic.<BR/>(ii) Battery pack/software behaves strangely. Even when the computer is operating on battery the software says there is no battery and hence I can't find the charge. This problem didn't happen in the beginning (about a few days ago). The red light which is supposed to indicate charging status doesn't seem to be alight. <BR/><BR/>Thanks for any help. on Viewsonic HDAll<BR/>I am a virgin tablet user and a Ph.D. student in Poly Econ. One of my profs had the xthink software on a tablet Pc and I just had to get one, not too expensive but one that has some things I need.<BR/><BR/>Question<BR/>I purchased the 512 memory with the 30 G HardDrive. Since it has expansion slots for flash drives for saving stuff, what would be the benefit for having the 40 or 60 HD? And, anybody had any complaints about it not having a CDROM drive, although you can purchase the external one... with SP2 on viewsonic V1100Does anyone have any problems with the input panel after installing Win XP SP2? Now I can't use the hadwriting. The only option available is the onscreen kewboard.<BR/><BR/>I have a Viewsonic V1100 TPC. <BR/>Thank you! Graphics Driver Crashing A LotHas anyone else had a lot of system freezes and Windows XP Tablet Edition crashing a lot and then receiving the error message along the lines of <BR/><BR/>"This problem was caused by your graphics driver. Check Intel OCA web site for more info."<BR/><BR/>It usually happens when I'm in IE6, too, if that makes any difference. I've upgraded the driver....and it's still occasionally happening. <BR/><BR/>Thanks. <BR/><BR/><BR/>